Friday, May 29, 2009

Brave Faith

Leaving town last the last couple of times the taxi had taken us through a part of town that seemed to be very “ Eastern” Multiple restaurants, Grocery and Saree (Sari) stores caught my eye and gave me a new found desire to have one of my own.  I have considered and considered this for a while.  On line one day I encountered what the writer called an “Ethnic Walk” and he mentioned the Sari stores.  So I have put it off and put it off, mostly because I had lost the paper with the information, but also because I was a little afraid of that part of town.  Pino, my primary cooking instructor,  assured me though, that it is safe before dark, as well as did the writer of the message board.  Since I was concerned about safety it was now or never as I would not want to drag the kids there.  Let me be perfectly clear, this was all about my insecurities on multiple levels; no one was ever anything less than kind and courteous.  Anyway, I found the message this morning, plotted my way and off I went.  I was overwhelmed at the sumptuous variety of beautiful Indian clothes.  There were not only saris, but also every imaginable, style of tunic and dress, both formal and casual.  I have had one giddy experience helping a patient get undressed and then dressed in a Sari.  This is not enough information to waltz into a Saree store and make a purchase.  So I humbly asked for help.  I got it.  I walked out with a simple red Sari, little top, underskirt, & earrings.  The jewelry was astounding and appeared to be necessary.  Unfortunately photography is not their cup of tea so I was not allowed to take photos.

Walking down the street Sari in hand (I succumbed also to a dress that I am sure was made just for me!)  I noticed that some of the food looked pretty good and by now it was lunchtime.  I was being Mademoiselle brave today so why not?  I had glorified onion rings with a sweet sauce, chicken curry and a cup of espresso for 6.50 Euros.  Not bad.  The interesting thing was that there was a definite line of delineation there.  I looked over at a guy playing with his food with his fingers!  Just pinching, stirring and moving it around to mix it, finally putting some in his mouth.  I began to look at him closely to see if maybe he was a little learning delayed, but I saw no external evidence of this.  Then a few minutes later a couple of young Professionals (appearing to be Indian) also began eating with their fingers.  After a good look around the place I noticed that mostly the folks who ate there regularly were eating with their fingers and the rest of us with silverware!   How naive can a girl be?  I think I knew better too, I just don’t think I expected in it Paris. 

The meat in the photo was just being lowered and handled right out in the middle of the street!  I did sneak this photograph. 

Then I decided that I should try to find some fabric for a friend who is a quilter and had asked for some.  I had not seen fabric up to this point other than the plastic covered fabric for outside.  Recounting this in class last night, Pino commented that there are fabric just up the street, by Sacre Couer.  I made my way back to my old stomping grounds and was thinking about class, Pino and wondering how hard it was going to be to find these stores.  I was looking ahead as a man walked in to the Fran Prix (A grocery store) and whom did I think I spied, I did spy,  Pino!  Sure enough it was Pino!  How fun to run into someone I know in Paris!  I was sure glad because I had it all turned around in my head.  It was fun to see him and he set me on the right path.  When I found them, I found a plethora of stores, my mother would think she had died and was in heaven! 

So after my big morning, back home, tea and another raspberry macaron.  I did some picking up; moving things so there would be room for Jodi and the kids and then went to a place called Chez Jenny for dinner.  I had French Onion Soup, Pork in a honey sauce, with the most interesting sauer kraut, and Chocolate mousse (ours was better in class), and of course a glass of wine.  On my way back home I wanted to go to the store to get a few things for tomorrow, but it was closed.  The crew will just have to go with me! 

Jodi just called from Philly, they are getting ready to board the plane!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Remind me to loan you "Bend it like Beckham" which is about an Indian (Sikh) family in London. It shows a lot of gorgeous clothing and a traditional wedding. Have been in Phoenix the last couple of days--many stories to tell when we get back to Mark Pi's!