Monday, May 11, 2009

Pastry Class

I reach up to absently rub my nose and the smell on my fingers from my pastry class catches my consciousness.  It was a great class!  There were six of us, two couples and another single woman.  This was a class of firsts for me, I had not ever prepared chocolate mousse or crème brule with raspberries.  Both were fabulous, and I was forced to eat those items there.  I did get to bring home the Strawberry tartlets, Hazelnut cake with Chocolate crème and Madelines though.  Too bad it will be a while before I have company, I can think of several people with whom I would love to share this bounty. 

Breaking and separating the eggs yolks from the whites with relative ease I sent up many thank you’s to my mother who taught me to cook.  I also had to chuckle at how my grandmother would not approve of my waste because I was not scraping out every drip of the white from the shell.

Earlier today I got up and went to the local boulangerie for some mini pain au chocolate to have with strawberries and cheese for breakfast.  Lolling around eating at leisure, drinking my café au lait and playing on the computer was a great way to spend a rainy Paris morning.  Then I decided to clean up and hit the streets to find the nearest Monoprix.  I needed a few groceries and carrying them back and up the stairs is much easier a little at a time.  On the way back I stopped and purchased a lovely little onion tart that was my lunch.   Cour Damoye is a gated walking street, and is quiet, and lovely.  IT is also very convenient to the metro.  This is a plus, as in past times here I have had a walk quite a ways after getting off the metro just to get back to the hotel or apt.  But this time it is much easier. 

On my way to class I made myself as close as I can come to being Parisian, I bought a Navigo card, it is a swipe card for the metro, so I can just breeze in, hold it over the ticket machine and enter!  Just like ay other Parisian

An interesting thing for me is that my facebook is partially in French!  All the advertisements on the side are in French, but the rest is in English  What a hoot, so the vegetables I am growing on my farm are all in English!  ;)  I have not explored My Space yet.  The weather is supposed to be nicer tomorrow and as of right now I am as free as a bird!  A bentiot!  

1 comment:

Laura said...

You realize that I can hardly wait to taste all these, right? Love the pix! The good looks wonderful and you look tres competante! (Don't know the French!) You sound so comfortable in Paris, I can imagine you emigrating.