Monday, May 18, 2009

Lavender Toilet Paper and White Chocolate Macarons

I was so high from dinner last night that I could not get to sleep until around 3 AM.  Then I woke up to a glorious sunny day at 9 AM.   This is going to be a good day!  Then I was taking a little time and reading the Fordors board.  I have to tell you this is a good life!  I found MY apartment (Smiling at Jan) in an advertisement in a French magazine I get, but prior to that in my searching for a place to stay I had found an apartment that has a huge “picture window” looking at the Eiffel tower.  It was a little pricey but alas unavailable.  I read today on the board that the people who kept me from getting it (the renters) are complaining that their view is marred by two large yellow cranes.  SO I am in a much cuter place and did not get gypped about the view.  Oh, yea Life is Good.  Hmm, wonder how that would look in a tee shirt?


So, Let’s talk toilet paper.  I get a quite a bit of grief about the things I like to purchase over here, and just today I realized yet another thing that the French do better than the Americans.  It is toilet paper.  Now this is not your run of the mill Charmin and to be honest it came as a quite a shock, because up to this point I would have said that we do TP much better, but today I opened the lavender colored TP I purchased last week.  I selected it because it was a good price and because of the color.  Something we defiantly do not have at home.  But I opened it this morning to have a lovely scent of Lavender waft up to greet me.  Not only is it Lavender in color but it is also scented.  Where have we missed the boat on this?  Of course Americans might have to give up their white paper, or their white paper or their white paper.  When did we go all white?  When I was a kid my grandmother had pink, though I do not remember rose scented paper.  I am thinking that I would certainly purchase lovely paper to have a small luxury while on the throne.  Paper fit for a princess!  Now how much of it can I import? ???  Maybe a new business venture?


I decided to go in search of some perfume for a friend and generally shop today.  I never found the perfume store, and to be honest I think I am either spoiled or lazy.  Shopping here in the big department stores it totally different and really not generally useful.  For example there are various designer areas in the store, with one of 2 sizes in each item. The woman in the picture seemed about as thrilled with the Grands Magazines as I felt!

On my way home I had hot chocolate at Angelina’s.  It was creamy, thick and chocolaty.  It comes in a pitcher with a bowl of whipped cream to stir in as you drink it.  It was fabulous as usual.  On my way out white chocolate macaroons caught my eye and I just had to try one, so I bought a tiny selection and had one with a cup of strawberry tea on my arrival back in the apartment.  Pure Bliss




Laura said...

Sounds like a fabulous couple of days! I know with the trend to white bathroom fixtures, the TP has matched, I don't know if I would buy the scented kind or not!
Beautiful day here today...Paris and Indianapolis seem to be matching in weather while you are gone!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful adventure you are having! We missed you in our last class last week...and completely celebrate the unfolding of your adventures in Paris! Thank you for blogging and including pictures for our delight! I can't wait to see and read about what happens next!

Your cooking adventures sound particularly delicious and I long to take a class now myself! Sending warmest wishes for more wildish times!