Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Knitting in Luxembourg Gardens



Today was a perfect day for sleeping in, the soft sound of the rain as it hit the skylights.  Cool cotton, gown and sheets to stretch into..................... Roll over and remember that I am in Paris on vacation.  Then I remembered that it was market day and jumped up, threw on some clothes and rushed out the back door to be surprised at: what no market?  I trudged on to the Boulangerie and purchased a croissant and tiny baguette (short not a bread twig!) Ambled home and had breakfast.  I have finally found a use for grapefruit.  In yoghurt!  Yummy.  After reviewing the notes Jan left me, I realized that marked day is toorrow.

After breakfast, I decided on a course of the Cluny Museum, Luxembourg gardens to read a bit and them maybe stroll by the purse shop and see it is was open.  So I went to the Cluny and spent time really just  drooling over the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry.  I am amazed every time I see it at how much detail is there.  After, I was hungry again so I had a nutella and banana crape and a cup of coffee at a sidewalk café and then moseyed to Luxembourg Gardens.  I quickly found the Medici Fountain and a seat and sat down.  I had brought my knitting so I took it out and started knitting and thought “What a kick here I am sitting in Luxembourg Gardens at the Medici Fountain knitting!”  I read for a while after I got tired of knitting and then went for a walk.  As I was walking I felt a water droplet (I always think a bird is peeing on me when I feel that random drop of water), and then another.  I had brought my umbrella but not my raincoat, but it was not raining hard and I made my way out of the park toward the final part of my destination.  As I turned the corner I heard a clap of lightening and the skies opened wide.  I was across the street from a lovely deep-set doorway and sheltered myself there.  As I was waiting, with no apparent end of the deluge in sight a young woman stepped out of the building, I commented to her that it was not very pretty and she agreed.  As we stood there she chatted with two elderly Frenchmen, only some of which I could understand.  She kept looking at her watch and the sky.  Finally I asked her where she was going and she said “just to the metro. I thought “why not, I will not get anywhere in this, might as well take shelter in the metro” I think the umbrella was really more bravado than shelter for us, but we got inside the Metro after getting soaked and went our separate ways.  I came back dried off and rested a bit.  Then decided to head out and explore,  I walked up Rue de la Rockett but it was not interesting and I returned and ate in a local restaurant called Café de Industrie.  It was o.k. it was food.  

1 comment:

Laura said...

It sounds like Paris and Indianapolis are mimicing each others weather. It was raining SIDEWAYS when I left work at 2030 and I was soaked by the time I got to Staples. My academic year calendar is running out and I was frustrated enough to do a , "Oh, what the f..., do whatever it takes" to get a new one.
I'd forgotten about orientees and their schedules. I got two new orientess settled in today with Michelle on vacation and one had problems with the schedule M. had created for her. I think we got her fixed, but I hate that I have trouble notes on the first day of her vacation!
YOu are just having TOO MUCH FUN,girlfriend! When is your next food class? I can hardly wait to hear all about it!