Friday, May 22, 2009

Mandarin and Rose Macarons and Grapefruit Dish Soap

So I am thinking that the French have a smell thing, and that is interesting considering some of the odors I nuzzle up to while walking in the Metro.   Unwashed humanity, Eau du Piss, occasionally someone’s overly strong perfume are only a few of the scents I encounter. However some ordinary daily events become extraordinary in France.  First it was the toilet paper, and today it was my grapefruit and orange flower dish soap.  I washed dishes with the loveliest scent tickling my nose.

I left my map at the restaurant last night so I trecked back to get it this morning, encountering this picture perfect man sitting in front of a bar.  On the way beck I encountered one of dozens of lovely florist ships.  This one had unusual displays to purchase and take.  The think I mostly notice other than the presence of them out on the street, is that they also carry item one can plant.  Most of them seem to be patio type plants and maybe it is to make up for all the concrete?  Regardless they are lovely little oases in the middle of the gray.

My next big adventure of the day was to go looking for perfume for that friend again.  This time I remembered the number of the building.  I found it, but it did not seem like a store.  I went in anyway.  My French must be getting better because I clearly understood that I was not to be in there and that the store I was looking for is gone!  So on to what I wanted!  Pierre Herme is a new kid on the Macaron (Macaroon) block.  My friend Susan sent me to Lauduree a few years ago.  Up to that point I had seen the French Macrons in the stores, in the marked, pink, tan and brown.  But I had not really paid any attention to them, assuming that they were meringue.  That they are not.  Susan’s request led me down the path of yet another caloric sin!  I enjoyed the ones from Angelina and was ready for more.  The flavors are interesting ranging for olive oil and vanilla, apricot and pistachio, to the much-discussed Rose petal and leeched nut.  (Now you know why I tried that yogurt).  So for a mere 16 euros I walked out with eight macaroons in the flavors of my choosing in a cute little box and a lovely bag.  The box is interesting, maybe he is a bit of an egomaniac, it has several Parisian landmarks and one of them is his store!  I had hoped that I could have tea there and enjoy them right away but I had to take them to the Tullieries and sitting the park and delight myself with one of them.  It was the Apricot and Pistachio.  It was pretty wonderful the apricot tasted fresh, and the nuts must have been toasted.  After a short reverie I want a new way to my class.  What a boob, it was all up hill.  Some times new things do not achieve the desired effect!  I got there and the palace was locked up tighter than a drum. SO I called the owner and he said that I had been a now show for the morning.  Luckily I had saved all my paperwork and I really did not screw this one up.  Anyway, then I was at a loss and rather crestfallen.  I was all dressed up and nowhere to go.  So I decided to grab a bite somewhere and go to one of the concerts that I had seen publicized yesterday on my way to dinner.  It was an Ave Maria concert in Sainte Chapelle.  Saint Louis (a rather nasty man from the accounts that I have read- I don’t understand how he ever got canonized) built Sainte Chapelle to house relics that he purchased form the Emperor of Constantinople.  It is lovely, incredibly ornate and the innumerable stained glass panels all tell stories of the bible for those who were unable to read, which was most people.  Funny though because this chapelle was built for royalty, though how many royals could read in the thirteenth century is not something in my area of expertise. 

So I did not have dessert with any dinner because I knew those macarons were waiting here for me to return.  Making myself a pot of teal I indulged in mandarin and rose and cassis.  While both were very good, the Mandarin and Rose were very sweet and the Cassis was very tart! A perfect way to end the day.  I am so excited to take this class on Monday!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I read both yesterday's and today's entries tonight. Toddlers are the same the world over, aren't they? I can just see the two of you! I'm sorry you got your wires crossed with the food sounds as if you are ready for battle, however! As I read your blogs I am continually struck how much Paris is your hometown.