Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Day 2009

The white petals drape over the leaves that are close by.  Just two days ago they curled up towards the sun.  But today in the rainy May Day morning I stand at my open sliding glass door contemplating the dogwood tree that is in bloom. It is raining and the birds are singing. The papa robin sits on the fence guarding the momma robin and their child, the birth of which I have expected with such joy. Today there is a little burnt yellow mouth peering over the edge at me as I gingerly try to see how things are going in the delivery nest.   The mother robin flits to the dogwood and angrily eyes my intrusion into her current home. There is a softness in the air that is unparalleled by any other time of year. It is a heavenly moment.  My mind then shifts to Paris.  Will I be able to see nature from my apartment windows; will I hear doves cooing rather than the robins singing?  Will the weather still have that soft spring quality that fills my cup? These are the moments that, when one is present to them, are the great gifts of life. In my anticipation of the trip to come, I am trying very hard to be present to the moment that presents itself rather than just focus on what is to come.  So that the week to come is just as treasured as the week after and the week after and the week after. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

I treasured the cannoli we shared at lunch! YUM! Hope you have a safe flight.