Friday, May 15, 2009

A fishey sort of day - May 14, 2009

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Today I had to actually use an alarm clock to make sure I was up and ready for my treck across town, it takes me about 35-45 minutes to get to the cooking school from my apartment.  We met at the metro stop nearest to the shops Pino (the chef leading some of the classes) likes to use, we sent to a Cheese shop, butcher, fishmonger, vegetable store and lastly a boulangerie (bread store).  The lady is the photo is making flowers ( I thought they were roses) out of cheese and one can purchase them as a garnish.  She let us try one she had messed up, the cheese was great.  We decided on Fennel (icky) And Orange Salad with Fois Gras and orange vinaigrette.  Dorade (a kind of mild fish – Sea Bream) with risotto and mussels in a saffron cream sauce.  I wasn’t convinced about the fish, (I am not a bone girl!) And Molten Chocolate cakes after the cheese course.  To my surprise I really liked the fennel salad, fois gras and all, even without the bites of fois gras the orange and fennel was great together! 

There were six of us again in the class, two single women and a family of three; this was their daughter 21st Birthday present.  They were lovely and after class I went with them to the Musee Marmotan because Lindsay (their daughter) wanted to see the Monets, I went because I really wanted another look at he Illuminated manuscripts, and the stinkers had that part shut for renovation!    On the way back to the metro I looked up and there was my Girlfriend AGAIN!  It is so fun to find the Eiffel tower unexpectedly in the vista, I wonder if the natives just get used to it and take it for granted.  It was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.  After all that walking, food and wine I got home about 5 and was just done.  

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