Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Saturday May 30, 2009 The Drama of Arrival

The Drama of Arrival and being so far from home!


I got up early yesterday morning to take the Metro to Gare du Nord, then from there the RER to Charles De Gaulle to met Jodi and the kids.  I found the on line flight information about the flight incredibly useful because it said that they had already landed at 0700, then plane was not due until 8:55.  So I started of uncertain, but I got there found the US airways ticket counter and was directed to the exit for the plane.  I then found a US airways information desk and asked where to find them.  We had brought walke talkies, and they worked, but only so-so.  FINALLY they came through the door and we go to the Taxi stand and even though I asked for a larger Taxi we all got crammed into a little one!.. Amazing how bad my French becomes when someone does not want to comply!

We got to the apt, got our baggage up the stairs, everyone got the orientation spiel and off we went to have a little look around the neighbor including a crepe with nutella and banana for Courtney and me.  Then because of crying babies, old med with strokes and no sleep. I let them have a 2.5 hour nap.  Bad move really because it has screwed with the sleep thing for them for the past 2 nights, but it was good in the short term as it allowed us to all be much nicer to each other with a little rest.

After everyone was back on their feet we decided some of the famous, gourmet Del Arte Pizza was in order.  We had it last time and agreed that should be before anything else.  Joe had to pick fresh tomatoes off his pizza as it is not quite like home.  In the metro we encountered a young woman experiencing the French version of a bachelorette party.  I have noticed this twice since I have been here, the idea is that a young woman dresses crazy in some way and her friends go out with her and bait her in public.  The young woman in the photo was dresses as a hula girl and was very gracious to let us photograph her.  I wish her a very happy marriage! 

Then we went to the Champs du Mars and hung out for a while people watching, Jodi and I kid watching.  We all agreed in total accord that crack kills!  They are both so very precious; they change (or I could say they are so  cambient!)  and become more fun each time we travel with them.  We played some cards, took photos and we rode BOTH of the carousels there by the tower!  I know at my age I should be over that, but I just am not able resist them here!

1 comment:

Laura said...

June 7, 2009
So, the Obamas are in Paris...are you still in the city and dealing with what the press is implying is madness?